Welcome, Awesome Nerds!
Hi!! My name is Maggie, and I am the founder and voice behind the curtain over here on The Love Nerds!
At the end of day, I am just a Chicago suburban gal who loves drive through donuts more than drive through coffee, spending an afternoon with a good book or craft, a good cocktail hour, hosting parties for friends and family, and all my nerdy interests which include Disney, Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Wars, books, video games and more!
But, of course, as I get older and my house gets louder, my time is spent less with a good craft or nice glass of wine and more with superhero toddlers and snack cups!
I began blogging at The Love Nerds in 2013 to distract myself from health and work struggles. This high school English teacher found herself on medical leave from migraines with a lot of free time on her hands for the first time in YEARS! I didn’t know what to do with myself. I needed a creative outlet and this is what I found … or more, what I made!
When I chose to not go back to work for my health, I began turning this into my job. It is not always easy, and finding the time has definitely become harder as a mom, but I know I am lucky. I love my job and I love all of you!
I couldn’t tell you everything here, of course, but here are a few short facts!
- I am married to my best friend (June 2012). Really! We were incredibly close friends for years before we decided to take a chance and start dating.
- We have two kids – Liam and Parker. I work at home with them which makes work time harder and harder, but I am thankful that I get to be home with them even on the says where I want to pull my hair out and pour a drink at lunch.
- My husband is an only child; I am the youngest of 4. You can imagine we grew up with VERY different family dynamics.
- I’ve had migraines since I was 6. Working from home gives me a lot more agency than I had as a teacher to keep them more manageable but there are many times where I am out for a week with the pain.
- I get hangry – like Hulk level hangry.
- I hate cake and frosting and am not very fond of the smell of freshly mowed grass, chocolate on chocolate desserts, and people too self-involved to really SEE others.
- We truly are nerds! Like lightsabers at our wedding, homemade flying keys mobile for the nursery, Buffy felt board quotes and personalized nerd shirts made for every major fandom! Most of the latter designs eventually make it onto our nerdy SVG shop!