I love Chicago summers. For us, they are filled with walks through the zoo, reading lakeside, visits to the beach, lawn games, reading outside all Sunday, and lots of festivals. There is always a festival going on during Chicago summers with live music, good food, and cool artist booths. We love soaking it all in.
With all that said though, it’s not the easiest to stay healthy (and on budget) during the summers. When you have endless food booths in a festival, roof top restaurants, and beachside activities, it is so easy to get caught up on the fun that you forget to be healthy.
Sure, the obvious concern is eating our way through summer but staying hydrated and protecting our skin are truly the real concerns. Those are the ones we more easily forget because we are so busy.
Here are a few tips we use to make sure we stay healthy all summer long:
1. Bring healthy snacks with you. It is so easy to buy a churro at the zoo, chips at the beach or fried pickles at a booth, but that is not what my body really needs. I love indulging during the summer, but my body cannot afford to indulge all day long everyday. Not to mention there is a limit of how much fried food a body can handle on a long, hot day in the sun.
Planning ahead and bringing a couple small healthy snacks with you will help you feel better all day. Plus, both your waist line and your wallet will help you. Consider buying small insulated lunch bag items to help you carry healthy snacks with you like grapes or carrots. Those are always more satisfying cold. Or, bring frozen grapes along since they will take longer to get warm.
2. Be kind to your body. As much as we love soaking in the rays, especially on the beach, it is important for us to really take care of our bodies during the summer. Bring sunscreen with you and reapply after a couple hours. Since I always forget and lose track of time, I set a timer on my phone to remind me. Bring a hat and sunglasses. Plus, wear good shoes. I love flip flops but they can be hard on your body. If you are going to be walking a lot, forego fashion and wear sneakers.
3. Drink water!! In my opinion, this is the most important one. Staying hydrated is key for the overall health of your body. Everything depends on it, but it can be the hardest one to maintain sometimes. Not anymore!
I am loving my Brita Water Bottle. In the past, I would fill up my water bottle before leaving the apartment using my Brita pitcher and inevitably run out of water halfway through my walk. That would mean I’d have to buy water at the zoo, which is expensive, or fill up at the water fountain. Now, I will admit, I’m very particular about my water. I want it to be refreshing – to taste “clean” or pure – which is not really the case from a city water fountain (or even my faucet).
This water bottle is like taking my pitcher with me on the go. I can have filtered, great tasting water no matter where I am. This is a life saver, especially for summer!
Head on over to Walmart to the hardware section of the store to pick up your own Brita Water Bottle. I personally bought the Brita Hard Sided Water Filter Bottle but there are more to choose from, including sport versions. Plus, follow along with Brita on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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