Choosing One Word for the Year + FREE Worksheet!

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Change and progress is possible, but it cannot be done in the abstract. Providing focus for the New Year by choosing a Word of the Year, one word for the year that will act as the overarching theme for every aspect of your life, providing necessary focus for your goals to make 2018 the best year possible! 

Change and progress is possible, but it cannot be done in the abstract. Providing focus for the New Year by choosing a Word of the Year, one word for the year that will act as the overarching theme for every aspect of your life, providing necessary focus for your goals to make 2018 the best year possible! 

Choose ONE WORD for the Year to Create Focus and Intentional Goals!

Choosing one word for the year has become increasingly popular over the last few years. It was something I did rather informally a couple times but made more official in 2017 with my post about choosing the word rise. Some people think it’s silly, just like some people think resolutions are silly, and my response is usually to each their own! I like the trend because it provides an opportunity for outward and inward reflection which are always a good thing in my opinion.

I also like it because I enjoy anything that helps provide focus and reminds me of what I am striving for. Rise became such a strong mantra for me that I actually was having a hard time letting it go and thought for a while I might hold onto it just a little longer. Yes the trend is “WORD of the year” but I think everything has it’s season and sometimes your word might make sense for you for 6 months or even 2 years. But after going through my Word of the Year Worksheet that I’m providing for you all down below, I realized I had the perfect companion word to rise for my next stage.

My Past and Current Words for the Year:

  • My 2017 Word of the Year was RISE. I actually cried when looking back at the post because I could see the anguish behind every single word. I was defeated but I was determined not to stay that way. I was going to rise and I did. It wasn’t easy but I forced myself to begin defining a new life as a mother and as a motherless daughter. So I began to pick up the pieces, began to find new routines, new support systems, and new passions, and really began a very small piece of the puzzle in figuring out who Maggie in her 30s is.
  • My 2018 Word of the Year is THRIVE!

Why did I choose THRIVE for my Word of the Year?

As usual, I turn to the dictionary first. Thrive means:

  • to prosper
  • to grow or develop vigorously
  • to flourish

I’ve spent the last year picking myself up by the boot straps and getting to a more balanced mental and emotional state. I feel stronger than I did 12 months ago, which means it’s time to take all the work I did in 2017 and push it the next step further. My favorite part of the definition that hit closest to home was to develop vigorously because it puts the ownership on me. No one can do this for me; I have to work for it!

 My Word for 2018 is Thrive! Thrive will guide my yearly goals for every aspect of my life - family, career, health, etc. Free Word of the Year Worksheet to help you choose! Now, It’s Your Turn! Tips for Choosing a Word of the Year:

If having a mantra or a word to focus your efforts for 2018 sounds like a good idea for you or maybe you are just curious and want to give a try, then you should get started right away. If you’re anything like me, if you don’t start now you might just keep pushing it off and never give it a try. But now is the time to set yourself up for success in this new year!

  1. Visualize the type of life you want to have or the type of person you want to be. What is your ideal?
  2. Evaluate the different areas of your life. What areas of your life are in balance or what areas of your life need work? What areas of life do you enjoy working in and which do you wish you could ignore or hire help for?
  3. Get Inspired. Look over a word of the year list for inspiration and find a few that are speaking to you. Follow your gut!
  4. Consider the words you picked so far. Does one speak out to you more than the others? Which word will challenge you and aid you in the coming year to get closer to the ideal life and person you visualized in step 1?
  5. Pick your word!

This might seem like a lot, especially if you aren’t used to going through reflection exercises. Not only do I use this process to identify my word of the year, but I also use it as a way to check in with my overall goals, what I’m working toward, where I might need help, and where I can maybe dedicate less of my time. For example, going through this process helped me consider where my time is most valuable in my business and where I could maybe hire out help for video production or graphic design work.

Download your Word of the Year Worksheet!

If this all seems overwhelming, don’t worry! I have taken my process and created a Word of the Year Worksheet to help you choose your word. Then, after completing the Word of the Year Worksheet, make sure you come back to share what word you chose!

If you are looking for additional resources on Goal Setting or Creating Focus, you might enjoy these books:

Choosing One Word for the Year Worksheet - One Word Movement. One Word to provide focus for your New Year Resolution and Goals.


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